AMA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)

Why This DEI Toolkit?

At the Arizona Multihousing Association (AMA), we believe in equipping all our members and their employees with the necessary tools to perform their job. When we lack the appropriate tools and resources, we can face some unnecessary challenges that stand in the way of achieving the desired results we want. The same can be said about creating a work environment that makes everyone experience a feeling of “belonging”.  

Your AMA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Toolkit has been created for all members and your teams to increase your knowledge and understanding of this important topic. Our goal is to influence a workplace that values “inclusion” and “belonging” for all.

In developing this DEI Toolkit, we followed an approach called “Appreciative Inquiry (AI)”[1]. The AI process as you will see in the diagram has four phases – Discovery, Dream, Design, and Destiny.

[1] Appreciative inquiry (AI) created by David Copperrider, is a model that seeks to engage stakeholders in self-determined change. 

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Additional virtual on-demand Toolkit companion class, "A Place Where You Belong" available HERE:

A Place Where You Belong (Toolkit Companion Class) - opens in a new tab


Our DEI Toolkit Development Approach

We started in the Discovery Phase with evaluating where we are now, identifying what our success looks like (Destiny Phase). In Phase 1 we gathered feedback from some of our members through completion of our DEI Survey in the Fall 2022. With that feedback, we identified key ideas in the Dream Phase to include in our actual Design of this resource.

After the introduction of this DEI Toolkit, and with subsequent training, we will continue to monitor and evaluate our progress throughout this DEI journey.

Organizational culture change goes beyond a toolkit. With more knowledge and more skills, we can continue to shape a more inclusive workplace for all our members and their employees.


How Can You Use it?

Your AMA DEI Toolkit was created for easy use by both managers and employees.  This toolkit includes key topics that you suggested under the DEI umbrella. All the relevant information has been reviewed and selected to educate you about what is happening in the current DEI space. 

Click below for a brief tutorial video on how to best utilize your DEI Toolkit:

Toolkit Tutorial

ToolKit Categories

Your AMA DEI Toolkit is divided into five categories with an appendix at the end.  The categories include the following topics:

  1. Learning About People and Culture Backgrounds
  2. Understanding Gender Neutrality
  3. Hiring Through Diverse Recruiting
  4. Learning More About Mental Health
  5. Celebrating Diversity (Holidays)

Each section of this toolkit starts with a definition or overview of the topic’s importance. It then provides more valuable information with some relatable examples. Explore each section first, then go back and dig deeper based on a particular topic of interest.

The Appendix

At the end of this toolkit, a comprehensive appendix includes more opportunities to expand your DEI knowledge.  Browse the Appendix and find the type of resource(s) based on the main five categories above.  You will find more resources in the following formats: 

  • Articles
  • Books (for all ages)
  • Podcasts
  • Video (and TedTalks)
  • Websites

Opportunities To Use

Based on your daily job responsibilities, you may need this information for different reasons throughout your employment.For example, in a manager’s role, you may want some information on how to appropriately address someone on your team who is “transitioning”. Consider the Understanding Gender Neutrality section to learn more about appropriate “pronouns”. While using this Toolkit as a helpful resource, also consider reaching out to your Human Resource professional about what to do. The same can be said for any employee who just wants to learn more about a co-worker from an unfamiliar cultural background who has worked with for years. Here are just a few more uses for your DEI Toolkit.

For Supervisory Employees For All Employees
  • When learning more about DEI terminology and the correct use of terms
  • When learning about AMA’s commitment to DEI
  • When looking for assistance with recruiting guidelines
  • When developing an “onboarding” process for your newly “hired” or “promoted’ employee
  • When conducting a team training on a DEI topic
  • When learning how to be an “inclusionary” leader (through listening, coaching, performance reviews, etc.)
  • When celebrating the importance of cultural differences
  • When learning more about DEI terminology and the correct use of terms
  • When increasing your personal knowledge about a DEI topic
  • When learning about AMA’s commitment to DEI
  • When addressing a co-worker with the appropriate pronoun
  • When asking for resources to assist with your performance
  • When reviewing a resource used in your team’s DEI training session
  • When learning how to support an “inclusionary” workplace
  • When celebrating a co-worker’s’ cultural holiday


Additional DEI Materials

Your DEI Toolkit is not the only resource that supports the AMA’s commitment to sustaining a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace. Additional training and ongoing conversations should take place at all levels in your organizations.The benefits are enormous to the AMA, your location, and the residents/customers you serve. Listen and learn together as you grow in your DEI knowledge and build an environment where everyone has the opportunity to be successful.

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