University of AMA

Welcome to the University of AMA!

We know you have a lot of choices when it comes to training and continuing education so thank you for choosing us.  University of AMA provides training and education for all AMA members and all of your members.  Our comprehensive approach allows your teams to take their training to the next level.  With options in Phoenix, Flagstaff, Tucson, and virtual, we can accommodate you where you are.  Our classes are taught by subject matter experts, members of our association, and most importantly, your peers and colleagues. 

Beginning in 2023: All education classes are now FREE for members!
*excluding certification courses

View Current Class Offerings - opens in a new tab

 Lyceum Leadership Class   

What is Lyceum? The AMA Lyceum is a yearlong volunteer leadership development program that focuses on the essential elements of successful leaders. It is designed to identify, inform and empower new and emerging apartment association volunteer leaders. Several Lyceum Graduates recently joined the AMA Board of Directors. 

View Class Of 2023 - opens in a new tab

NAA Certifications

Ready to take your career to the next level?  NAAEI certifications are the perfect next step.  Earning your credentials shows your commitment and dedication to the industry and gives you invaluable skills to take back to your community and use immediately.  Earn respect among your peers, leaders, and owners and make the commitment today!  Thanks to our generous sponsors, scholarship opportunities are available - opens in a new tab.

CAM - Certified Apartment Manager

Register Now for CAM - Certified Apartment Manager

CALP - Certified Apartment Leasing Professional

Register Now for CALP - Certified Apartment Leasing Professional - opens in a new tab

CAPS - certified apartment portfolio supervisor

More Info about CAPS - certified apartment portfolio supervisor - opens in a new tab

CAMT - Certificate for apartment maintenance technicians

More Info about CAMT - Certificate for apartment maintenance technicians - opens in a new tab

CAS - Certified Apartment Supplier

More Info for CAS - Certified Apartment Supplier - opens in a new tab

Hear from members:

" Taking part in CAM was a great way to meet new people, learn about new methods to conduct business, and become more involved within the AMA.  The knowledge you gain from the course not only makes you a better property manager, but also makes you an asset to any property management company.” - Edward

"Education is the best investment you can make. Investing to receive your NALP will give you the education you need and the tools to be successful. Not only will you be nationally accredited but you will be trained to the highest standard within our industry." - Ashley

Interested in becoming an AMA speaker? 

Our high quality classes would not be possible without our volunteer speakers. If you are a member and would like to present a class or have an idea for a class, we want to hear from you! Complete our speaker/class interest form below.

For national speakers looking to present at our annual Education Conference and Trade Show in Phoenix, email Melissa Lanouette ( - opens in a new tab) or Linda Morales ( - opens in a new tab) for our annual Education Conference and Trade Show in Tucson.

Speaker\Class Interest Form

Provide Content for the AMA

If the written word is more your forte, U of AMA is looking for content. Topics can include everything from industry trends to industry best practices. Or, if your property has a great story to tell, we want to hear about it.

  1. Rule No. 1: Please do not submit a sales pitch.
  2. Rule No. 2: Submissions should be no longer than 400 words. If you have high-resolution images, we would appreciate those as well. Complete our submission form below.

Submission Form

Get your credentials and online training with Visto
NAA - National Apartment Association - Education Institute Visto

Visto powered by Grace Hill and NAAEI has over 150 convenient online courses specifically designed for the multifamily industry. Whether you are new to the job, want to further your professional development, or ensure your compliance training is up to date, they have the courses to fit your needs.

Use the code AFFILIATE25 for 25% off all online credential courses!

View Course Catalog - opens in a new tab

NAA - National Apartment Association - Free Monthly Webinars

NAA [Free] Monthly Webinars

Check out this month's FREE webinars from the National Apartment Association (NAA).

Learn More about NAA [Free] Monthly Webinars - opens in a new tab