Photo of Rose Alvarez

Rose Alvarez

Professional Development Manager

Arizona Multihousing Association

Apartment Association

Professional Bio

Rose joined the team at AMA in January of 2024 and is excited to be part of such a great organization. Rose has a background in K-12 classroom education as well as continuing education for adults! She was also involved with Educational Leadership for the past several years. Rose was awarded her M.Ed in Multicultural Education in 2005 and has always enjoyed working with English Learners and those in marginalized communities. She is looking forward to taking her knowledge of working in the educational community and bringing those skills to the world of AMA.

In her spare time, she can always be found with her ever-growing family. She is a recent grandmother (Abuelita) to two little ones and will be welcoming two more this year! Rose loves to spend time practicing yoga, meditation and most recently has started a running journey. Traveling world-wide is a life-long passion and she enjoys learning things from all the countries and regions that she visits. She believes that keeping mind and body engaged in a wide variety of activities keeps her young at heart.

Property Name or Company

Photo of Arizona Multihousing Association Arizona Multihousing Association
1415 North 7th Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85007-1934
(602) 296-6200
AMA Logo Apartment Association