Apr 2024 | Your AMA Monthly Recap


April Adventures With The AMA

April was a month packed with excitement and learning at the Arizona Multihousing Association (AMA). Let's dive into the highlights!

IPC Phoenix Meeting
We had a blast at our April IPC Phoenix meeting hosted by P.B. Bell at the stunning Zaterra Luxury Apartments. With over 40 industry partners joining us, it was a great opportunity to network and learn from each other.  We can't wait for the next one!

2024 Tribute Awards Finalists Announcement
On April 26, we wrapped up our final interviews for the 2024 Tribute Awards and announced the finalists live on Facebook. Congratulations to all the finalists! You can view the full list here. Stay tuned for the in-office interviews scheduled for May 14-16.

Learning and Giving Back
The 2024 Lyceum Class went on a meaningful visit to UMOM New Day Centers, one of our AMCF Phoenix beneficiaries. They also underwent the Emergenetics test, discovering how to leverage their unique cognitive and behavioral traits in their daily lives.

Workforce Class Graduation

We celebrated the graduation of our most recent Workforce Class on April 26, with four graduates completing the program. A big thank you to our partners, including the Refrigeration School Inc. (RSI), Chicanos Por La Causa, ARIZONA@WORK City of Phoenix, and the National Apartment Association, for their support in this hands-on four-week program.

April Education Classes
Didn't get a chance to attend our April education classes? Don't worry! You can catch up on topics like Fair Housing, Multifamily Market Update, and Click and Lease in our OnDemand library.

Welcoming New Members:
Let's extend a warm welcome to the 32 new members who joined the AMA family in April. We're excited to have you on board!

Cheers to a successful April!

June's Monthly Member Minute

June Monthly Member Minute by Arizona Multihousing Association